



How much do you know about section steel

Release Time:2019-12-03      Hit Count:351

There are all kinds of building materials in the second-hand steel structure market, among which there is a I-beam, and those who have learned about it know that it is the steel with i-beam section. Is a commonly used building materials, a few days to talk about the characteristics of this steel.

Section steel has a characteristic of wide flanges and high lateral stiffness. This shape of steel bending ability is strong, but also a popular second - hand steel structure market.

From the use of installation, the characteristics of the section steel is more obvious flange two surfaces parallel to each other so that the connection, processing, installation is easy.

The cost comparison is even more obvious. Compared with ordinary section steel, section steel has low cost, high precision, small residual stress and can effectively save 30% of the cost.

The characteristics of i-section steel are more than what, but also eng it reduce the internal force of structural design, cost-effective can also be processed into T-section steel, honeycomb beam can be combined to form a variety of section forms, to meet the needs of different forms of construction, can better meet the needs of the market.

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